Wednesday, December 3, 2008


最近, 我抽了些烟... 不知道是为什么? 工作上并没有什么问题.有一份安定的收入,压力不是太大,可是,我就是觉得少了一点什么... 是应该做些什么呢? 妹妹叫我去教堂帮忙... 我其实也相去,却怕帮不了什么. 矛盾... 人是不是都是这样... 以前,我会觉得前很重要,可是现在的我,虽然不是很有钱.但起码不象以前那么可怜...想要买什么都没钱. 现在我可以明白有钱人不一定快乐.

其实,生活可以很简单.我的房间被妹妹笑说象个神父/修士类的房间.哈哈... 很贴切的形容词. 我的生活已经很简单化了. 除了工作, 放工回家,看看电视,打电话给朋友聊天,上上网......没了...就这么简单. 偶尔心血来潮,就带着我的象机出门. 可是, 怎么说还是一个人. 想起来也怪可怜的.


Monday, November 24, 2008

been a while

been a while since i last update my blog... been busy with FB and i think it is an easier medium for me to share my photos with relatives and frens... and they get to comment straight away.. as for my life... never been better than now...

i have learnt to be really independent without frens... life still goes on... made a trip back to KL and realised that it was really like a hometown to me. so many frens...upthere so many nice food that made me miss them so much...

just finish kee's wedding... very happy for him.... i wish for him a great marriage ahead...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

叶落归根 - 日出之行

为了要到日本, 这一次, 要好好的打算... 首先, 我必许做一些准备工作. 第一, 就是先排列出想要做的事. 到日本, 风景是一定要看得. 再加上到日本安的季节应该是秋天,(九月尾) 一定会看到很多很美的风景. 我们先要知道去那里找风叶.然后, 一定不可以忘记去享受道地的温泉. 再下来, 就是吃饱喝足的时候了. 在日本, 当仁不可以错过美味鲜甜的 sashimi!!!! yummy!!!

好了... 就先这样决定. 由这个方向出发. 在加一些妹妹买的书里的好料, 应该就够了. 简简单单,却又要不平凡的东京之旅, 就看我的了!!!! 敬请期待!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Another weekend

so far so good i guess, been quite busy the whole week through. i tot maybe i will get a bit of rest towards the end of the week... who knows, it got even busier than before... i just hated when people just yell at u and say i want by today.... how ridiculous.... yeah i want it by today too... i did it in the end... but then... so what? i really dun understand at times what are we rushing for?

it is late now... need to sleep liao.... i feel kinda lonely.... hoping that i could have someone to share... life is so confusing... i dunno? why is things in life becoming so diff? i used to think that i just wanted a simple life.. but now the more i know, the more complicated it had become... i dunno where am i heading..... it seems rather vague.... what do i really want in life?

just finish a TVB series. it was a good show, i love the story and the love story too... it seems like a message from God... move on... there are more better things in life waiting for us...

Japan trip in one mth time... kinda anxious.... really dunno what i should be doin... disney maybe... and i think some nice sight seeing trip to take some nice photos....

Monday, August 11, 2008


今天我很累,就是完全不能够做工。心里想着很多东西。我应该怎样??? 很彷徨,很失落,生命的意义很模糊。人生的目标看不清。很烦。。。。为什么我会这样?我不是一直很清楚自己要的是什么吗?我是经不起打击?经不起挫折?我的毅力跑到那里去了?我的精神支柱在那里?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

my dad, mum and sis..... a great gathering...... miss them alot.... and wish i could do more for them....

Friday, August 8, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008


最近想了很多...不知道是不是因为给自己的时间多了,还是因为寂寞... 很容易就感慨... 不过, 同时也特别能够为自己做很多的打算. 想啊,想啊....

一个人, 在这个时候, 可以很享受. 就像我吧, 现在总是在想明天要去那里,要看什么书,要听什么歌, 到那里去拍照. 日子很自由自在. 虽然偶尔会伤心,不过还好啦.

现在真正要做的,就是让自己快乐. 为自己多办一些事, 钱很累人,却不能没有它. 生活要过得好,就难免要付出多一些.

从前, 想过要到外国工作, 现在竟然有人找上门. 真是意想不到. 虽然未来还是不知道会怎样,不过至少我还觉得满开心.因为种种事情已让我却步, 有些时候真的不知道自己到底值多少.我有多差.. 有多好??? 我要一个怎样的一生呢? 想不通...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jazz by the beach

wonderful wonderful wonderful
there is no other word that i could think of ...
it is so soothing listen to the band...and of coz the one and only Denise Mininfield...
i even get to duet with her..... Stand By Me.... hehe!!!

the thing about jazz is that the music is so messy and yet so organised, u gotta love it to appreciate it.....

Monday, July 28, 2008

... my life ...

my life... i am so confused.... things are getting more and more complicated.... every little things had become so demanding..... sometimes i ask my fren... why are we working so hard for.... in the end what are we trying to achieve in our life?

a wife...then a house.....then loan.....then a car.... then a education...and the list just goes on and on and on.......... in the end, what do we leave for ourselves???

what happen to the money we earn? where is our time to do something that we really enjoyed?

but... if u meet someone.... that very special someone..... won't u wanna be with her together forever? and have a house so that the two of u can have the cosy little space to spend time together...... don't u wanna bring her out in a cofortable car so as to avoid the crampy MRT or to wait for taxi under the rain...... the list goes...............on on on on on .................and on on on on......

so life is so sweet isn't? just look at it from another angle or perspective, u will find..... at the other side of each story..... there is always some other thing to ponder about.....

Friday, July 25, 2008


刚刚看完一部我很锺爱的戏。City Of Angels。。。 在这个故事里,天使没有办法了解生为人的种种。 只有放弃自己所拥有的才能够得到更多。 我觉得人就是这样。总是以为自己所拥有的是那么的平凡, 甚至不曾去想, 你是多么的幸福。 为什么我们总是在失去了才懂得珍惜。

现在的我,不知道是不是因为老了,看东西的观点也变了。 曾经,我是那么执著,就凭着自己所想的,自己想要的,去做事。 可能,人到中年,想法也变得更。。。 怎么说呢?就是能看得开吧!我觉得,一个人活在这个世上,能够平安,健康就已经很了不起了。。。 其他的东西,就像古人说的,这些都是身外物。


Sunday, July 20, 2008

a long walk.....

ever since i tot of keeping fit... i fell in love with jogging....tho didn't really slim down but the time when i get to jog, it really relax my mind...

down the night street.... everything seems quite settle and i am there all alone by myself.... listen to my music and just enjoy the it is so nice.....

last night, i made a trip out just thought of capture some nice pic.... but too bad.... there isn't any harvest..... but a quiet street for me as a souvenir...

good night clementi... godd night ray!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

it is the thoughts that count

Again, i am back to my little room and my lovely laptop and these cute but powerful speakers..... as usual, i will play the Rod Stewart to warm up the environment and the tunes made me ready to update my blog!!!

these two days, i have been reading an email our uncle thomas sent to all the cousins, and it is so sweet.... he is away... away from home, from his beloved wife and of coz his precious children... he is away in Norway... a beautiful place, no doubt but i been through such situation... it is never happy to travel without ur love ones... and especially when u r far far away from home...

well, the point is though he is so far from home... we could still feel his love for all of us.... ever since young.. he had been the most modern uncle whom we could open ourselve to and also the model we looked up to even till to date... nothing had change... he is still so responsible and outstanding in whatever he is doing... uncle thomas.. we love u and thank you for being such a good example to all of us...

we wish to meet up with u soon.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dear Tricia Teh En Qi

hi baby enqi.... this is an award winning photo of u and ur mummy...(our dearest cousin-in-law)
i have u on my desktop and i can't help feeling happy to be ur uncle.... so proud and grateful that God created u for the TEH family.... u are the 4th generation and we love u so much.... that all the uncles and aunties just can't help but to miss u everyday.....
God bless u good health and happiness... we love u...


no music no life

if u ever remember when u step into the tower records.... u will notice this...
i love music.... and i got to appreciate it better with my new BOSE speakers...
tho it might be exp.. but this is the quality u would want if u really wanna sit back and really enjoy to the music.. listen to all the background instrumental played with the clarity of those beuatiful voices....

michael buble' - call me irresponsible - highly recommended

u won't regret.. with the David Foster behind him... it is just like kahlua and milk.. it is a great taste brilliantly blended.

Music gives me the power to think... if u ever got problems.. tune in to a song... something that u have not listened for a long long time .... even the simplest tune will make it wanna cry... sometimes it is just the lyrics.... sometimes it was the melody that touched u.... but what matters most is that..... the song had moved u..... in one way or another....

Believe in urself and be indulged in music.... trust me... it is even better than the best mecidine... it is u who decide whether u wanna behappy.... enjoy the music and let everything else go...

at least once a week.... get away for something or somewhere u wish to do or go......

That 's life............ Cheers to life!!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

have u realised ? ? ?

it was a weekend and steamboat...

chit chat... some wine... and just chill out!!!! how cool was it...

dear fren, we are gonna keep doing this....


new life

new life... new chapter of life
i dunno what is gonna happen to me in the next few years or even the next few minutes
but i know, i am cherishing each and every moment of my life from now onwards....
it've been a long time since i last sat down and give it a thought about my life
never had i been this "empty" ... and able to get myself so free from everything, so free from all controls and limitations, i realise that life is so wonderful. and i really wanna thank GOD for everything i ever had and whatever i am gonna get....

family...sisters...cousins...frens...frens...still frens.... i thank all of u for being there for me...

so... it is gonna be a new life!!!