Friday, February 27, 2009

Distance - 202 Miles

Distance. 202 Miles 325 kilometers this is how far i am from u. yet this is how close we are in miles and kms. distance kept u away yet, distance keep us closer than we thought.

张小娴的小说曾经提起,世界上最遥远的距离不是天涯海角,也不是天各一方,而是我就站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你. 在我心里, 你固然远在它乡,可是却能心心相扣. 我不知道你的心里是怎样想? 希望一切都能顺其自然. 我知道我们都有各自牵挂.所以, 我绝对尊重你的决定.

距离再远, 路途再苦,心里却是甜甜的. 每每想起你,都会偷偷的笑.


been a while since i last thought about God's grace... been really thankful for what he had done for me... in life, we often meet our problems and seems like there is no one there to help us. only to realise that God has always been there for us and never had he forsaken us. God's grace and love fill the land and earth... we as the children, just need to open our arm and embrace it.

in life, there are so many things i wanna thank God for:


they are always there... after all that i had been thru, nothin beats the love from our family member. they are always the 1st to be there whenever u needed them. feeling the love from family is like indulging in the warmth of coffee and the after taste will always make u want for more.


i must say i am always blessed with abundant of love from friends...
since primary school... buddies in the class had been good to me...
during secondary school... i met my best buddies for life till now... bro... may our friendship last forever... i never say this to u all but i just want u guys to know, tho we may not be in touch often, but u guys are my best buddies ever and i will always be there for u guys whenever u need me.

Lord, thank you and love you

Sunday, February 22, 2009


暧昧是一种很奇怪的感觉. 忐忑总是爱情降临前.
幸福 忱醉在爱河里的后遗症.
痛苦 否认溺爱背后的背叛
花开 花谢

默契 遗憾 恨 爱


她-表示ok ..... 嘻嘻.

phew... 终于, 等待终于结束... 我会再加油

Saturday, February 21, 2009


今天,当我在rip 音乐的时候,重听了the legend of 1900 的SOUNDTRACK,为之感动不以。ENNIO MORRICONE 大师的确是一位伟大的音乐家。简简单单的曲调,就已经把我完全的打动了。每一首曲,是那么的凄美。让我完全的体会,那间中所要表达的情感。我很感谢这一些音乐人。就是他们的巧手,右脑的创意,再结合现代的科技。。。 将这一切电影充满了无穷的魅力。

我超爱看电影。也爱听音乐。所以,每每在欣赏完一部钟爱的戏以后,就会忍不住想买DVD 来收藏。音乐是我生命里绝对不能缺少的。如果有一天,失去了听觉,我宁愿死了算了。谢谢那些搞电影和音乐的人。这两样东西都是我用来逃避现实的最好管道。我的家人总是取笑我每一次在看戏的时候,就像掉进了戏里。哈哈哈。。。 我真的会噢!!! 其实,我倒觉得,这是我对这一群工作者的尊敬。APPRECIATIVE才对啦!

今天的收获不错。买了我已经找了很久的东西。一,我的太阳眼镜。。 。 RUDYPROJECT。希望不会失望。再来,就是我的鞋INSOLE。 很贵可使希望它真的如所说的能够矫正我的平脚底-FLATFOOT。 既然,旧鞋已经旧了,就也买了一双新的。所以,今天可真的是满载而归。


Hmm心情有一点乱。你的心到底是怎样想的呢???我刚刚拿起勇气想跟你说清楚。可是,你因该睡了。明天吧!!! 夜了。。。 晚安。。。

Thursday, February 19, 2009

moo vee non stop....

been a great week.... watching one after another great title.... thanks to all the great script writers,directors,make-up artist and of coz actors and actresses.... and those we never know exited in the production of the film...

Benjamin Button - sweet in a beautiful way... no one beats Brad for his natural style of carrying his suaveness ... and i can't help indulging in the elegance of Kate. new intriguing story... nothing alike before. It brings to u a whole meaning of what u would expect in L-O-V-E
SlumpDog Millionaire - funny in a sad way... or sad story which had been made funny.. either way, it had made us realised that many times in our life, we never know what had happened were meant for... we might suffer at a point only to be stronger to face the next challenge ahead. always hold on to what u believe and u will definitely make it.
He's just NOT that into u - well, nothing too extra ordinary, but sweet little piece which cater for ur after dinner free time. big cast seen here and played their part well... read the book would defintely make u find the story funnier... coz it is just like playing out what were written by Greg and the Co-author which i remember the name. Even then, i guess everyone loves a happy ending to all love story... enjoy urself and live out what u want in ur relationship... at times, it is us who decide what we want.......Just Do It!!! -not by NIKE but me........haha

Thursday, February 12, 2009

生活方式 V S 生活烦事

人称生活忙碌为避免不了的生命必需品. 那么愤怒又是什么呢?

算了吧, 这一些都不重要. 人一定要为自己而活.

我最讨厌人的恶性就是背叛, 我也讨厌被无理的指责.

人的恐怖, 并非武力的残忍,而是精神上的折磨.
当你无法再去面对这一切的一切, 你就只好屈服吧!

不过,我已经学会了看开. 海阔天空就在眼前的痛苦的背后….. 跨过去, 就雨过天晴!